研究是一个强大的学术经验的组成部分. 2025战略计划,我们有5个研究集群代表我校的研究企业.
研究是强大的学术经验的一个组成部分,也是十大网赌平台2025年战略计划的一个关键优先事项. The university aims for national and international prominence in research through new 发现 in areas ranging from 医疗 传感器 and devices to robotics, 将纳米技术, 对网络安全, 下一代材料, 在其他至关重要的主题中, 应用和转化研究.
在过去的五年中,我们聘请了150名新教师,这大大加强了我们的努力. 他们包括生物医学科学和工程等领域的专家, 传感器, 能源, 新材料, 机器学习, 数据分析, 以及虚拟现实. They arrive with impressive track records in securing grants from key funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, 美国国立卫生研究院, 能源部, 和美国.S. 国防部. We are confident that their participation in our multidisciplinary centers will help NJIT reach its ambitious external funding benchmarks that has already more than doubled over the last five years.
实现我们的研究和教育目标, the university’s strategic plan calls for seamless multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research collaborations and technology innovation-based entrepreneurship among faculty, 教职员及学生, 谁都在推动科学发展中发挥着核心作用, 推动社会进步的工程和技术. 包括约克中心在内的十大网赌平台的核心研究设施, Life Sciences and Engineering Center and Microfabrication Innovation Center is designed to accelerate game-changing collaborations with new teaching and research labs, 进行项目的房间和教师和学生可以社交和分享想法的公共区域.
The NJIT’s 2025 研究 Strategic Plan organizes five research clusters of high significance and societal impact aligned with the global trends in science and technology research and development. 由核心和跨学科基础组成, 应用和转化研究兴趣, 十大网赌平台研究型企业五大集群包括:
生物科学与生物工程: 该研究集群包括生物医学设备领域的多学科研究, 传感器和仪表, 大脑健康 & 神经科学,组织工程,生物科学 & 行为学、分子生物学、进化科学、基因治疗及表型相关研究. 十大网赌平台的研究人员正在推进我们对正常情况下大脑和脊髓功能的理解, 分子损伤和病变状态, 细胞和功能水平通过实验, 理论与计算方法. 成像专家, 计算机科学家和生物医学工程师正在一起工作, 例如, 设计能改善运动的疗法和设备, 认知和器官功能. 为此目的, 我们的组织工程师专注于用再生细胞和组织替代功能失调的细胞. The Bioscience and Bioengineering cluster intersects with other research clusters including Material Science and Engineering, Robotics and Machine Intelligence and Data Science and Management in developing healthcare technologies and systems such as point-of-care 医疗 传感器, 涉及初级保健的设备和康复系统以及保健信息系统和管理, 医院和急救资源和协议.
拟议集群的范围包括与NSF的10大构想相一致的领域, and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Grand Challenges in “Reverse Engineering of the Brain,“科学发现的工具。,“理解生命的规则:预测表型”和“设计更好的药物”.”
数据科学与管理: 这个研究集群包括数据科学和分析的研究和实践, 从数据中提取可用于医疗的信息和知识, 金融, 商业管理科学和工程应用. 这些小组进行生物信息学的研究, 医学信息学, 图像处理, 数据挖掘, 日地物理, 运输, 财务管理, 工商管理, 生命科学和医疗保健.
The cybersecurity group designs secure cyber systems and improves cyber information and communications technology (ICT). 随着经济的快速发展,信息通信技术正在塑造社会的许多方面, 提供前所未有的海量信息, 随时随地, 从任何类型的设备. By 2025, the number of global IoT (internet of Things) connections will increase from 12 billion in 2020 to more than 30 billion according to an estimate by IoT Analytics. 全球安全硬件支出, 预计到2024年,软件和服务将达到1750亿美元, 根据Statista. This cluster with a broader transdisciplinary scope with diverse applications also includes multidisciplinary research centers focused on mathematical sciences, 交通系统, 增材制造与无线通信技术及工商管理, 以及科学技术对社会的影响.
The Data Science and Management cluster spans over all other research clusters including Bioscience and Bioengineering, 环境与可持续发展, Material Science and Engineering and Robotics and Machine Intelligence for developing data driven approaches in almost all applications from healthcare information systems to industry automation, 并对财务和企业管理.
NAE和NAS的大挑战和NSF的大构想在这个集群的范围内包括“安全网络空间”, “先进的个性化学习”, “增强虚拟现实”“修复和改善城市基础设施”, “设计科学发现的工具”, 和“人类技术前沿工作的未来”, “驾驭数据革命”, “不断增长的融合研究”和“量子飞跃:引领下一次量子革命”.
环境与可持续发展: 这个集群代表了城市生态学的跨学科研究领域, 空间天气, 太阳能地面, 环境传感器, 可持续的基础设施, 智能交通系统, 全球气候变化, 生物多样性与保育, 干净的水, 废物管理, 可再生能源, 智能电网系统. 城市生态和可持续性领域强调可持续的基础设施, 智能交通, 生态社区, 以及城市建模和模拟. Space weather sciences and impact of evolutionary changes in the solar system impacts directly our environmental ecosystem and 全球气候变化s. 该领域还侧重于水能关系和海平面对环境的影响, 以及清洁水和提供绿色能源技术的发展, 如生物燃料电池和强大, 持久的电池. The 环境与可持续发展 cluster intersects with other research clusters including Material Science and Engineering, Robotics and Machine Intelligence and Data Science and Management in developing smart and green buildings and sustainable communities, 了解太空天气和气候变化.
NAE和NAS的大挑战和NSF的大创意在这个集群的范围内包括“太阳能”, “恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “获得洁净水”, “通过核聚变提供能量”, “发展固碳方法”, 和“人类技术前沿工作的未来”, “探索新北极”和“宇宙之窗”.
材料科学与工程: This cluster represents transdisciplinary research areas in advanced materials including smart energetic and campsite materials, 量子材料, 和生物材料, 聚合物和膜技术, 纳米技术, 以及增材制造/先进制造系统. The scope of nanotechnology research includes scientific and engineering phenomena at the minutest and most fundamental levels in order to develop technologies for environmental and pharmaceutical applications. The interdisciplinary group on engineered materials and particulates focuses on technology development for the preparation, 加工和使用工程颗粒材料及其复合材料的一系列应用. 研究 in the 制造业 systems group involves developing new methods and technologies for design innovation and process automation. 特别强调的是为制药制造设计新的工艺和工具.
The Material Science and Engineering cluster spans over almost all research clusters including Bioscience and Bioengineering, 环境与可持续发展, Robotics and Machine Intelligence and Data Science and Management in developing environmental and 医疗 传感器 and devices, 组织工程、智能机器人和康复系统, 添加剂和制药制造, 智能建筑和可持续社区, 以及数据驱动的建模和仿真,用于智能材料的开发和表征.
NAE and NAS Grand Challenges and NSF Big Ideas within the scope of this cluster include “恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “太阳能”, “通过核聚变提供能量”, “发展固碳方法”, 和“人类技术前沿工作的未来”, 和《十大网赌平台》.
机器人和机器智能: 本研究集群包括人机界面, cyber-human系统, 机器人:bioinspired, 医疗, 社会和工业自治系统, 智能基础设施, 人工智能, 机器学习, 增强现实和虚拟现实. Robotics and bioinspired autonomous systems are making a significant impact in the society in many areas including rehabilitation, 制造业, 航海和运输, 以及医疗和家庭护理. The 人工智能 and augmented/virtual reality applications have been evolving rapidly with the futuristic vision for new modes of automation, 发现, social networking and even co-evolution of machine and human intelligence making important decisions in our daily life from finance to healthcare.
The Robotics and Machine Intelligence cluster also interacts with other research clusters including Bioscience and Bioengineering, 环境与可持续发展, Material Science and Engineering and Data Science and Management in developing smart automation and navigation systems, 智能医疗信息系统, 增材制造系统中的智能自适应和数据驱动自动化, and intelligent systems for almost every application from education and learning to smart cities and living-assist systems.
NAE and NAS Grand Challenges and NSF Big Ideas within the scope of this cluster include “先进的个性化学习”, “增强虚拟现实”“修复和改善城市基础设施”, “设计科学发现的工具”, 和“人类技术前沿工作的未来”, “驾驭数据革命”, “不断增长的融合研究”和“量子飞跃:引领下一次量子革命”.